Having just got my shiney new iPhone I decided to set-up my e-mail on it. All was working fine, had my IMAP configured and was receiving e-mail with no problems. Then I decided to send an e-mail, but kept getting an invalid address error. Thanks to a bit of rapid google-ing (on the PC i hasten to add, I haven’t yet got into using the iPhone for the sake of it, but there is time!!) I came to realise that I was going to have to use the O2 SMTP server. The settings I finally used were:
Host Name: smtp.o2.co.uk
User Name: [O2 website username]
Password: [O2 webiste password]
Use SSL: Off
Authentication: Password
Server Port: 25
Gave this another try and worked straight off. Quite quick as well over 3G.
Now just have to transfer my contacts, which in my haste I forgot to move over to the iPhone. Looks like I’m going to have to use the U600 again 🙁